Is Dermaroller Really Effective? How Long Can You See Visible Results?

Is Dermaroller Really Effective? How Long Can You See Visible Results?

If you want to improve your skin’s appearance but you do not want to spend thousands of dollars for the skin care treatment, you may want to consider dermarolling therapy. This skin care treatment is now becoming a “talk of the town treatment” because of its simplicity and ease of use. A lot of users claimed that it can help regenerate new skin cells making the skin look younger and firmer than before.

Dermarolling therapy can help reduce wrinkles, acne scars, skin marks, sagging skin and other signs of aging. It is also being used in other common skin conditions such as cellulite, stretchmarks, and other skin related conditions such as hair loss.

How is Dermarolling Different from Other Skin Care Treatment?

The more expensive treatment used for skin care are microdermabrasion and chemical peels. These treatment modalities exfoliate the top layer of the skin for a younger and fresher looking complexion. It works by inducing a mild collagen growth. It works by damaging the skin to allow new skin cells to grow.

The downside of this treatment is that the recovery period is much longer. As opposed with dermarolling therapy where the treatment doesn’t requires only few days or weeks of healing.

More so, the usual side effects of chemical peeling and microdermabrasion are hypo or hyperpigmentation of the skin, redness, irritation, pain, and may cause damage to the skin.

On the other end, dermarolling works by eliminating the imperfections. It helps improve the skin’s appearance by working beneath the skin not only on the superficial layers. It uses a hand-held device called dermaroller for the skin needling treatment. The dermaroller is a sturdy device with a drum which is stuffed with microneedles which is used to roll into the skin.

The entire concept of dermarolling is quite simple. It works by puncturing the skin to stimulate cell regeneration and skin repair. It creates micro injury which stimulates collagen growth for a better looking skin. Every dermarolling treatment aims to improve the skin appearance through this modality.


So, is dermarolling treatment effective?

A lot of users who tried dermarolling treatment would say that the therapy is indeed effective. They were able to see the visible results in just a few days or weeks and the outcome are promising.

Here are some of the benefits of using dermarolling therapy:

·       Dermarolling therapy is effective in stimulating collagen growth.

Users who have undergone this treatment are unanimous in saying that their skin had an improvement after the therapy. The suppleness and elasticity of their skin improved. It is effective in delaying the skin aging by preventing the skin to look saggy and loose due to collagen depletion. The dermarolling therapy is effective in stimulating elastin and collagen production in a natural way without altering or damaging the entire skin layer.


·       Effective in reducing wrinkles, fine lines and other visible signs of aging.

When new collagens are formed, it works as fillers for the wrinkles and facial lines. This will in turn increase skin’s elasticity which will then improved the skin’s appearance and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


·       Helps stimulate hair growth.

Dermarolling therapy is now being used for hair stimulation. The therapy can stimulate the growth factors which are responsible for hair growth and formation of new hair follicles.


·       Improve the texture of the skin.

This skin care treatment can also improve the texture of the skin. A lot of users who have tried the treatment reported an improvement in their skin’s appearance. This can be due to the regeneration and renewal of new skin cells.

·       Helps eliminate post-acne scars.

Dermarolling therapy is now being used as one of the treatment to reduce acne scarring.  When acne is formed, it leaves a deeper fissure which is commonly called as scar. Dermarolling therapy works by stimulating collagen production which will reduce the scarring. You may need few sessions of dermarolling therapy before you can actually observe the visible results. Some may need three to four sessions depending on the severity of the skin’s condition.


·       Dermarolling therapy reduces stretch marks.

This treatment can also effectively reduce stretch marks. Dermarolling therapy restores collagen formation thus improving the skin’s appearance. The outcome of the dermarolling treatment depends on the severity of your skin’s condition. In reducing stretch marks, it may take around four to six sessions before you can see the results.


·      Dermarolling therapy is very cheap.

Unlike microdermabrasion and chemical peeling treatment which usually costs more than $100, one dermarolling therapy will cost you a little less than $30. You only need a dermarolling device to stimulate collagen production. You may also use additional creams and serums like Vitamin C serum, anti-aging creams and others for a more enhanced effect.

The Drawbacks and Risks in Using Dermarolling Therapy


There is no perfect treatment. In one way or another, you may experience some side effects particularly if you are not careful in using the dermarolling treatment. To prevent the potential side effects, you should keep in mind the following tips:

  • Do not share your dermarolling device. Sharing your dermarolling is very risky. This may cause the spread of infection, if you share it with someone.


  • Dermarolling therapy may cause bleeding. This is one of the common side effects when using the dermarollers. Users may experience pinpoint and mild bleeding depending on the length of the microneedle. If you use 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm microneedle, you may experience mild bleeding.


  • It may take several sessions before you can see the result. In dermarolling therapy, you do not see the results overnight. You may need several treatments before you can actually see visible results. Take note that the treatment try to work as naturally as possible. The skin grows very slowly, and it may take weeks before it will heal completely but the results are permanent and long-lasting.

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